Tuesday, May 18, 2010

change is good

i always wonder why is it that people often forget to follow the 2nd commandment; and that it never to put the name of the lord GOD in vain. assuming that these people are church people or in tagalog "TAONG SIMBAHAN". funny how these people talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

no offense meant. but then to that person who has the talent to pretend each and every moment that i was dragging him/her to completely feel how he/she got into this mess, and that he/she deserved to be part of my anger was very much sarcastic and idiopathic to deny the fact that in his/her innerself was involved in this.

but the good thing is change may not be overnight, but its starting to happen. yesterday i was like a volcano to errupt. i even lost it all when i started to destroy things, and yes, my natural self of involving in a word war, to which i make it a point become public so that the insect in my life be made aware that i am no longer following the rules i used to follow. i'm playing by my own rules. and that rule will only be the truth. i'm tired of fighting for the right my son deserves.

btw, dear insect, sorry for your things i destroyed. it was wrath. and now i apologize, like you, every single day of the 3 years we spent you kept on telling you're sorry. now i'm done. please don't call me again.

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