Saturday, May 15, 2010

goodbye love, hello friend

the truth is IT HURTS. but i know for a fact that i have to put an end to it right now. and clinging to this wrecked relationship will hurt twice as more. it fits. it's the right timing. and i know there is a life far more better ahead. i have to stop thinking of you. i have started by not caring for months now. and in effect it doesn't hurt as much as it used to.

i have been in this situation exactly a year ago. but then it was different. now, i can say i'm stronger. i have changed to be the person i am right now. it has never been the same since your first strike.

for 2 weeks now, i have sworn that i won't even get close to you. sure, i can't really eliminate you out of my life, but then i can't treat you more than that of a friend. and that's just about it.

i have you to thank for making me stronger. for making me realize that as a person, as a woman i can be complete. thank you for sharing your life. thank you for teaching me an invaluable lesson: that is, you can't love if you don't love yourself. thank you for making me realize that this life is still worth living, how hard i may fall. thank you for making me realize that my family loves me for who i am, even though i'm stubborn, stupid and even though i made the biggest mistake of my life, they have come to back me up, still. i thank you for letting me see the other side of life. the life i wasn't acquainted with when i was young. thank you the letting me experience the joys and even the pain. thank you for everything you taught me.

and with that said,
goodbye love. hello, friend.

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