Wednesday, May 12, 2010

the world is spinning

as it seems that i am pretending that i'm okay. so maybe i'm not. does it even matter? so here am i back from my one day sick leave and i'm practically not in good shape for work. the fact that i'm still recuperating from that incident that i really want to forget. and the other fact that i am once again broke. it sucks. and there's nothing i can do about it. for one, he keeps on calling, or that he keeps showing up at my office, and i pretend to entertain and even laugh with him, even though i really want to hit his face and how i wish that he falls off the escalator one of these days. but then, i promised myself i won't be a war freak about it, because i'm tired to do so.
so here i am, living in a world that is spinning. is it just heatstroke, stress, thinking too much of things, or its me forcing myself that i have this so called mental illness? or how i wish that i just did. it might be easier that way. not to think to much. how i wish i'd find that place where i'll be myself, happy and for one thing, free from hurt.

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