Monday, May 17, 2010


no immunity for me from getting hurt, and last night i promised myself that i'm taking my privilege to be outraged and devastated. i'm letting all my anger out. and since you do have this talent of ignorance, i assume that this won't affect you at all. and my presumption that you don't even know that this page exists is a breather for me. because at last now, i would have time for myself. that the only reason i'm angry is because i fell in love with someone who kept on hurting me. that i'm not angry at you. but i'm angry at myself.
anyways, this anger would be gone in a few months, and so am i. i'm planning to leave soon. just want to get approval from the clan to quit my current job, move back to where i am most at peace. there i'll be immune from all the hurt and pain i'm feeling right now.
yes, it is still painful. and i am embracing that pain as of the moment. hoping that in some point that pain would make me feel stronger. a better person. months from now, i'll be standing with my head held up high. complete. happy because i've learned a lesson and by that time it would be a new me.

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